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Showing posts with the label WORLD NEWS

Kentucky tornadoes: Biden reaches out to affected US states.

US President Joe Biden has said the government will do everything it possibly can to help central areas of the country devastated by tornadoes. Mr Biden has signed a Federal Emergency Disaster Declaration, releasing funds for Kentucky, the worst affected state. He said the storms were among the largest in US history. More than 70 people died in Kentucky in Friday night's storms, including dozens in a candle factory, and the death toll is expected to rise above 100. Emergency teams are searching through the rubble of the factory, in the town of Mayfield, which was hit directly. More than 40 people have been rescued out of some 110 in the factory but Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear said it would be a miracle if anyone else was found alive. BBC North America correspondent Peter Bowes says the conditions facing the authorities are hugely challenging, with the police station in Mayfield destroyed and firefighters' equipment damaged. Tens of thousands of people in the state are also w

Covid-19 variants pose 'real threat' to vaccine progress, CDC warns

The spread of highly contagious coronavirus variants is threatening to fuel a "potential fourth surge of cases" in the US, a top health official has warned. The head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said she was concerned by recent Covid-19 data. Dr Rochelle Walensky said about 70,000 new cases a day had been recorded last week - "a very high number". There were nearly 2,000 swaths a day in the same period, she added.Given this, Dr Walensky said she was "really worried" about reports of US states "rolling back the exact public health measures we have recommended to protect people from Covid-19". "We have the ability to stop a potential fourth surge of cases in this country. Please stay strong in your conviction," she said. Please hear me clearly: at this level of cases, with variants spreading, we stand to completely lose the hard-earned ground we have gained," Dr Walensky said. "These vari

US Presidential Election 2020

Republican President Donald Trump faced off against Democratic challenger Joe Biden in the US presidential election on November 3. While several pollsters had predicted a “Blue Wave” Democratic sweep that might even help the party retake the Senate, the race became one of the tightest and most contested in US history.


Coronavirus: US death toll passes 50,000 in world's deadliest outbreak The US virus death toll has surpassed 50,000, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, in what is the world's deadliest Covid-19 outbreak. More than 3,000 deaths came in the last 24 hours, and there are now over 870,000 confirmed cases nationwide. But the US still has a lower mortality rate than most European nations based on current case counts, as the White House task force has emphasised. The grim news comes as parts of the US reopen after weeks of lockdown. Some hair salons, bowling alleys and other businesses are opening on Friday in Georgia, Alaska and Oklahoma. The US has by far the highest death toll and case count in the world. However, it has a population of 330 million, much higher than other worst affected countries such as Spain and Italy. Dr Deborah Birx, an expert on the White House Covid-19 task force, has said the country has "one of the lowest mortality r


Australia lorry crash: Four police officers killed in Melbourne Image copyright Image caption The lorry hit officers at the side of the Eastern Freeway in Kew Four Australian police officers have been killed in a crash involving a lorry in the city of Melbourne. The police chief for the state of Victoria said it was the worst loss of life in the history of the state's police force. Officers had pulled over a car for speeding on a motorway when the lorry ploughed into them, officials said. The driver of the car - a Porsche 911 sports car - fled the scene and is being sought by police. Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton said the lorry driver was under guard in hospital and would be tested for alcohol and drugs. He said the incident happened after two of the officers pulled over the Porsche on to the hard shoulder of Melbourne's Eastern Freeway near Kew on Tuesday at about 17:40 local time (08:40 GMT). They decided to have the car impounded
Coronavirus: US to halt funding to WHO, says Trump US President Donald Trump has said he has instructed his administration to halt funding to the World Health Organization (WHO). He said the WHO had "failed in its basic duty" in its response to the coronavirus outbreak. He accused the UN body of mismanaging and covering up the spread of the virus after it emerged in China, and said it must be held accountable. Mr Trump has previously accused the WHO of being biased towards China. The US president has himself come under criticism at home over his handling of the outbreak.